Thursday, May 10, 2007

of life in Malaysia...

What sort of country are we living in? You have big shots getting away with murder. The police force are a corrupt bunch of buffoons. The whole country is going to the dogs! Amir Muhammad's documentaries gets banned. Jean Todt gets a datukship. What more could go wrong? The government says theyre combating piracy but they're not really giving it their all. They wanted to build a million dollar sports complex in england. Newsflash: if they suck in this country, they'll suck anywhere. Wouldn't it be much cheaper to bring in coaches and trainers to train them in this country? The sports complex was just an excuse for these bloody authorities to fly back and forth to England whenever they feel like it. Politicians are talking about goodwill and stuff when word on the street is that they're leading a bloody corrupted life. What is the world coming to? Some parts of history are being erased just because they don't want to cause any unrest in the society right now. Come on! What the hell are we? A bunch of uneducated idiots? No wait a sec, that's them! Not us! THe government spends a fortune in trying to educate these Malays, and still they have to suppress certain informations just so there'll be no unrest in the society. Have we all lost the ability to judge and look at a situation rationally and learn from our past mistakes? And what's the deal with these OKUs? orang kurang upaya. Suddenly that has become a nationwide label to describe these special people. Are we so able-bodied that we are labelling them as kurang upaya? I believe if you leave it up to them they are able to run this stupid country better than the rest of us with perfect limbs and senses. Somethings just piss you off so much you feel like moving out of this bloody country. Answer me one thing. How come Nicol David who is ranked the number one squash player in the world, doesnt get the title datok? If you ask me she deserves a bloody tan sri. But shes not a Malay is she. Aah... her misfortune of not being born a Malay. But I think if you ask her she wouldnt want to be a Malay for all the tan sri titles in the world. This is definitely a sucky country especially when Jean Todt is offered a datokship! What the hell is a multi-millionaire french guy gonna do with a datokship? But I guess the question should be what will he do to us now that we have given him a datokship? Buy more land in Trengganu I suppose. Everything has a hidden agenda, it makes you sick to the stomach. Can't anything be pure anymore? Can't anything be based on intelligence anymore? Some Malays are idiots, but then again, you have the bumiputera policy to thank for that. Malays now think that it is their birth right to obtain certain things. Which is why they end up behaving like idiots. Whatever happened to meritocracy? Work for something, earn it and then I don't care if you get ten thousand datokships to your name. Although I'm still somewhat against the giving of these social titles. But if you've earned it then I guess I can make my peace with that.


Unknown said...

Corruption has humble beginnings. Race is an unfounded concept. Ignorance and complacency breed fear and antagonism. A nation that perpetuates mediocrity.

Farah Harith said...

thank you for taking the time to read my humble rantings. makes one shudder to think that this nation is perpetuating mediocrity. where will we be if everyone adopts mediocrity as a way of life, thus accepting whatever is being thrown at them?

Unknown said...

Actually, if this continues, there won't be much left in the end. Societies do fall.. when neglected and taken for granted.

Bakri Musa wrote an interesting book on this matter, that he is publishing weekly on his site. Substitute number "1" incrementally (2, 3, 4, etc.):

Let me know what you think.

Farah Harith said...

i read the pages by bakri musa. i guess it's still too soon to say anything about his writings, as i've only read 5 installments of the book so far. i shall reserve my comments for until i get to read more.
by the way, what do you think of the rest of my posting?
thanks for frequenting my page, by the way. i really do appreciate it.