Monday, November 26, 2007

if you're reading this....

if you're reading this,
i probably have moved on,
no it isn't someone new,
or because i've forgotten you,
if you're reading this,
honey i'm long gone....

if you're reading this,
it's because i just had to tell you,
no more need for you to worry,
or fret about me unnecessarily,
i never meant to hurt your feelings,
but no doubt the broken road that led me to you,
was a journey that has yet to reach its end,
you're a stop that gave me meaning,
made me who i am,
a magical encounter,
that i'll cherish forever....

if you're reading this honey,
pray for me in your heart,
keep me there in a little corner,
for if you need me,
i'll always be there for you,
a friend to lend a shoulder,
just someone to wipe away the tears,
and be happy for your laughter....

if you're reading this,
i'm already half way across town,
ready to hit the road again,
baby i'm no longer down,
i'll keep the memories,
and carry your smile in my heart,
for it will always be you who holds my first kiss,
and indeed, you i always miss,
but we can't fight fate,
our destinies lie on different paths,
yes He has shown me the light,
so goodbye dear dark knight,
indeed God is great,
i'm heading out on the broken road,
and baby i'm running late....

26th November, 2007

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