Thursday, January 01, 2009

of increasing numerals and decreasing sadness...

1st of January came and went. Another new year. Another list of resolutions. More crap to come. Old crap to deal with. Yet I'm grinning away like a mugcat. Hey, I'm happy. Or at least I'm trying my best to keep my spirits up and look at the glass as being half full. I'm tired of it being half empty, anyway. So my new year resolution is to be happy.

This new year kicked off with a bang. Of all my years being in KL, I have never actually attended any new year parties, with the exception of stupid countdowns in KLCC and Bukit Bintang. So this year I decided to opt for something new and joined my friends at a New Year's bash that was somewhat decent. No alcohol was served at the place, which means no drunken idiots yelling away or behaving like a moron. That was a good thing. The place was family-friendly so there were kids running around with balloons. All in all, I felt a bit old but the important thing was that I had fun. I was laughing the whole time we were there and I even got co-erced into dancing! But hey we won! There was this dancing contest for couples and my date and I decided to throw caution to the wind and just dance. We were neither a couple nor were we dancers, but I think we did okay, especially considering the fact that we had to dance to a dangdut song!

As the clock struck midnight, everyone cheered and welcomed 2009 with hordes of laughter and good feelings. Of course already feeling older than I actually am, it was only 12.30 when I started to yawn and feel extremely sleepy. So soon after that we decided to call it a night and all of us headed back. Just to prove a point that I am actually ageing, I missed the turn to my house and had to make a turn back. But despite feeling a bit old I really enjoyed myself. I felt like a working girl who's finally deserving a bit of fun after hours. Wait a minute, I am a working girl!

:-) Now after months of being a professional bummer and a part-timer, I finally got myself a permanent job! Amazing considering how much of a non-conformist I am. It's still very much hard to believe that I am now going to the office every morning and working my way through the day. But behold, what's more amazing than that is the fact that I'm actually enjoying what I do. Oh well, I guess it's about time.

Other than that, I vow to make this year better than before. Perhaps I should try to be more accommodating and less sensitive. Hmm or would that be something like asking an elephant to grow wings? But stranger things have happened! So don't lose hope just yet. I know I'm not.

To those of you who are familiar with my style of writing and with my attitude towards life, you would probably notice that this posting is a bit more cheerful and carefree than my previous writings! Well, perhaps that's the new me kicking in. I don't know. The way I see it, I've got a job I love, my family finally feels like I'm heading somewhere in life, I've got a brilliant guy in my life, my friends are great, and I'm writing again... So all in all, Alhamdulillah.

Therefore in the spirit of a brand new year, here's raising a metaphorical glass and saying, "Life is what you make of it. Keep hope alive and sooner or later your rainbow will come shining through..."

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