Wednesday, November 19, 2008

of misguided translations....

I was watching a Malay movie recently and one of the scenes were shot in an office area labeled as BAHAGIAN "EXTRUSION". With all the fuss being made over us not using enough Malay or not lifting Malay language up to its proper stature, you would think that those folks up in DBP would at least spend some time creating a Malay word for "extrusion"! I mean I'm sure they're pretty much resting on their laurels as it is, so why not get to work? Or just label the area as DEPARTMENT OF EXTRUSION or something, instead of wasting time on open inverted commas. I'm guessing that KAPI is not yet in the Malay lexicon, so why not make KAPI to mean extrusion? That way everybody's happy. Dontcha think?!                                          220937551_810c12a7ed

1 comment:

Sufian said...

EXTRUSION n (tech) shaping (metal) through a die, penyemperitan.

(dari kamus dewan)