It feels like the dawn of a brand new beginning watching Obama dance away with his wife to Etta James' classic At Last. Yet one can't help but wonder does he really bring hope as he steps into the Oval Office and assumes his position as the very first Black President of the United States of America. Of course when we look at it from the colour point of view, the fact that America has spoken and the result was that they wanted him as President, goes to show that they have come a long way since the days of the Ku Klux Klan. Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr is probably smiling away in his grave. The people have probably come a long way, but have the political scenarios changed? Or will he be another puppet on a string? I am trying to think positive and hope for the best, but is that the reality? I wonder if Obama actually realizes that the entire world is hoping for him to perform a miracle. We are in such a disastrous state everywhere that we have opted to rest our hopes on the shoulders of America's first Black President. Will it be in vain? The question remains until we actually see some changes.
On the home front, economic disaster is sweeping in although the government wants us to remain hopeful. Perhaps we won't get hit as bad as other countries. Again, we hope. It seems that we do a lot of that these days. We hope that the war in Gaza will reach an end. We hope that the economy will take a turn for the better in the near future. We hope that oil prices will continue to drop or at least not rise again. We hope that people will be more race tolerant. We hope that our children are spared from the lunatics out there who insist on killing and kidnapping and raping little kids. We hope and we hope and we continue to hope.
Sometimes people fail to realize that if we only go back to basics, things might get better. Yet we chose to complicate matters and make things difficult for those around us. Life is complicated enough as it is without us having to make it harder. If only world leaders or even you and I, would just take a minute and consider going back to basics, we might actually achieve what all the miss universe's have been preaching to us all these while; world peace. It's not that difficult, really. Just stop being selfish and power crazy. That's all it takes. God made the world big enough for all of us.
At the end of the day, after having said all I have said, another statement prevails; what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger...
could not agree more. Sometimes simple things are made complicated. And yea, we have to see what can Obama change. He is just a man. Be it black white or yellow...
thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts... simplicity is the key to world peace!
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