Wednesday, August 29, 2007

of singing frogs and smiley snakes...

I went to see Frogway last night at the Actor's Studio Bangsar. It's the third Malaysian musical I've seen since M! the Opera. And I must say it was brilliantly executed. Harith Iskander was the director, with Sean Ghazi choreographing the dance moves. Vince took on the lead role as Edward Thaddeus Frog, Harith played the part of Smiley Snake; purveyor of all things slimy! Vince did a good job, compared to his previous acting stint with Yusof Haslam. But I guess with Yusof Haslam, no comparison need be made, since he only produces crap anyway. Vince looked like he definitely belonged on the stage, and his singing was amazingly good. Judging by this, it can be concluded that a really good director makes all the difference in the world. Elaine Daly made a good stork, with her Bjork-like costume, sans the bird's head hanging off the shoulder. The rest of the cast was wonderful too, especially Frederick Toad and Shirley aka Charlie. As for Harith, needless to say, he was brilliant as always. The music was good; very jazzy.
All in all, Frogway was a magnificent musical. Something the whole family can enjoy. Although Syed missed the first half, he said he enjoyed it. And I did too, but of course anything that has Harith in it is bound to be a performance to remember. Sean Ghazi did a fabulous job with the choreography. These people are so talented that it makes you wonder why don't they get more recognition? Yet each year more and more idiots get nominated and more and more idiots end up winning. If it was up to me Sean would win Best Singer every year and Harith should win Best Performer every year. Talents like theirs don't come by often. The passion and enthusiasm that they have for the entertainment industry is clearly reflected in their work and add that to their talent and you get an explosive work of art!
I wish I had the time to go and catch Frogway again. The lyrics to the songs were well-written and nicely arranged. My favourite was the duet between Helen and Eddie. And also the Genuine Guy song.
As they say in the Frog World: ribbit, ribbit!

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