Wednesday, May 30, 2007

of words and poetry...

It has been aeons since I've written a poem. I found this old one so I thought I'd post it here. It's called A Love Song's Sonnet...

Enchanting music that soothes the soul,
The magical words,
Like sonnets that lulls the princesses,
Like strength to the warrior’s bravery,
The spell it weaves on a lonely heart,
The language it speaks to two souls in love,
The language of romance,
The true heart of love making,
For no passion is truly achieved without words,
The words that are the power of love.

So sweet, so precious…..
How it reaches the parts no lips can touch,
No hands can reach…..

Amidst the chaotic rush of today,
These words brings out the fairy land in us,
It weaves a magical tale of romance in you and I.
For the world is no longer a romantic place,
However some of its people still are,
And these words, are the link…..
Hold on to the words, and don’t let the world win…..

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

of right and wrong...

At the risk of being called a person who discriminates, I chose to write this article anyway. I was watching a talk show earlier on tv2 and the panel were discussing ‘mak nyahs’. It was difficult to identify with the contents as out of the four panels present, three were pro mak nyah. Even the host was leaning towards the mak nyah community. I am for human rights, but I draw the line when someone is trying to ‘tegakkan benang yang basah’. It’s like sleeping around and justifying it by saying that my feelings won’t get satisfied if I were to stick to one person, so in a nutshell that makes what I'm doing right. Basically this is the way the mak nyah argument has been going, not just recently but from way back then. All they’re trying to do is to straighten something that will bend eventually. One panel even went so far as to say that gender is ‘flexible’. What on earth does that mean? Gender is not flexible, to my understanding, unless you were born with 2 sets of genitals or an indefinable one, then your gender is definitely not flexible. It is nurture then that plays a pivotal role in the course of a person’s life. Yes certain aspects of a person’s life are predestined, I suppose. I mean I am not really sure of the religious aspect regarding nature vs nurture, but what I do understand is that Islam has made it wrong for a man to impersonate a woman and vice versa. Why then are this people arguing for the mak nyahs? Why are the human rights activists fighting for them? Doesn’t this mean encouraging something which is wrong? It’s like advocating for a Muslim’s right to drink liquor. If I were to fight for drinking, then I will be shunned, because I’m a Muslim. But what about the activists who are fighting for the rights of these mak nyahs to be accepted in normal society like any other man and woman? If today we say okay to mak nyah, then tomorrow we will be advocating gay rights and before you know it, people in this country will start fighting for same-sex marriage. Where does it end? The mak nyah problem is only a problem because as a society we are not doing what we should do to discourage such behaviour.

All this said, I am not one who will smirk at a mak nyah when I pass them on the street. I am still a civil person. If a person smiles at me, I will smile back. If a person says hello, I will return the greeting. And it doesn’t matter if the person is male, female or otherwise. But I am sorry, I do not condone this sort of behaviour. I am not the embodiment of all things good, I am a mere human being, I make my mistakes, I am not perfect and it is definitely not in my place to judge another human being. However, I do not agree with what the mak nyahs are fighting for. For example, if a person wants to do something wrong and their faculties are intact and they can judge what’s good and evil and they still chose to do evil, and they don’t justify their wrongdoings, then they can do whatever they want, so long as they realize the consequences their actions will entail. But the problem with the mak nyah community here is that they are trying to justify what they’re doing. For example, if I drink, and I start to say that drinking is fine and there’s nothing wrong with it. Now that’s just wrong. But if I drink and I don’t say anything and I realize that what I’m doing is wrong and I don’t go about preaching that drinking is right, then fine. Same goes for these mak nyahs. If they want to become women, go ahead. So long as you are aware of the consequences. Otherwise it is up to the society to educate them. It is when they start to preach about equality and human rights that it starts to really irk me.

Am I being completely unreasonable? I hope not. I may not be a super staunch Muslim, there are things that I still need to learn and improve myself with, but when something is blatantly wrong, then it is wrong. There is no sense in justifying it. If we were to do that, then we are merely contributing towards the downfall of our own society. We are living in a Muslim country, where drinking, drugs and free sex are wrong and frowned upon. But how come we have human rights activists in this country advocating for something which has been clearly stated in the Quran as wrong? I apologize if this posting is stepping on some toes. I’m merely stating what I think should be the obvious.

Monday, May 28, 2007

of criticizing and being criticized......

There's a fine line between the two. It is often easier to criticize than to accept criticism. But there's also another fine line between accepting criticism and standing one's ground. I welcome criticism, although being a mere mortal, and a female one at that, I admit that sometimes I find it hard to accept criticism with a smiling face, but I do try to keep an open mind. I take in the comments that will make me a better person, but for the rest, well...what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, they say.
I believe that the world can easily be a much better place if the leaders were to accept criticism and evaluate the truth in it. Yes sometimes criticism can be the mere rantings of a bitter individual, but more often than not, they're worth listening to. Leaders should realize that they are in that position of power because they were elected by the people (in a democracy state, at least). And when you have been elected by the people, that means you should listen to the people. A government that is self-serving will get a nation nowhere. It is funny when you think about these leaders, pre-election. They can promise you the world on a silver platter, but when they get elected, they fail to deliver. What happened? Does the glory of being in office eliminate the obligation to serve the nation and its people? Why do people forget so easily? In an attempt to not make this writing sound technical and removed from everyday life, allow me to enhance my explanation with a more human metaphor. A husband and a wife who have been married for twenty years. Neither are as affectionate or as thoughtful as they were when they were courting or newly-weds. Why is this so? Does love wither with the years? From my understanding, it can only grow stronger. Which means you should be more affectionate now, than you were twenty years ago. Am I being unrealistically idealistic? Is this idea too far-fetched? Perhaps it's like when Galileo first suggested that the earth is infact not flat...
Which is better? An idealist or a burned out politician? Politicians are generally idealists when they first start out. They dream of a better tomorrow. They aspire to bring changes. They hope to make a difference. But at the end of the day, most of them end up complacent and start to take their responsibilities for granted. I am not attacking any one politician here. I am talking to all of you, all of us. Everyone who has the power to exact change, the power to make a difference, the power to make the world a better place. We all have that power. We all need to realize that complacency breeds mediocrity, hence reducing a nation that has great possibilities to one that goes with the flow, coasting along at a snail's pace, blissfully ignorant of the greatness that it can achieve, unaware of the regression that is taking place.
We live in a democratic country, or so our rukun negara suggests. Perhaps we are not fully aware of what democracy is. Allow me to enlighten you on that particular matter:
Democracy (literally "rule by the people", from the Greek demos,
"people", and kratos, "rule") is a form of government in which political power is held either by the people, or by their elected representatives (definition taken from When a government has been elected by the people, then the government automatically becomes the voice of the people. The government is then duty-bound to rule in the best interest of the people. This is not to say that the government cannot make any judgment of their own, but whatever judgment they make must not be self-serving. Leaders and government officials must realize that it is vital for them to listen to the people. Constructive criticism is only meant for the betterment of mankind at large. That is why it is absolutely important for them to listen, instead of going about as they please.
If our leaders won't hear us, then that doesn't mean our voices should die, it only means we should scream louder. This is not in any way a blatant protest against the current administration. I am talking to everyone, everywhere in the world, to cry out loud when injustice is being done. If the current administration is doing something wrong, then it is up to the people to point it out. What is the point of practicing democracy when the people's voices won't be heard? We might as well give in to anarchy. Injustice is the disease that slowly kills a society. Look at what happened to the Arabs in the Jahilliyyah era.
Greed and injustice will corrupt and the effects are either instantaneous or damaging in the long run. Either way, we still lose. People need to start thinking about the long-term effect instead of focusing on the gains right now.
As I said, a democratic state will only work if the people start to take their stand. And when the government starts to listen, not just hear. We are all inhabitants of our nation and we all want our nations to develop and prosper. But let this not happen at the expense of the well-being of others and at the expense of our own ethics and morality.
Let people call us idealists, but as long as there are idealists in this world, we can all work towards achieving that utopian state. Far-fetched? Perhaps... But hope takes men to heights that he never thought was possible before. Hope gives life meaning. Hope makes waking up in the morning worthwhile. Hope gets us through the rough spots in life. It is with hope that greatness is obtained.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

of cervical vertebraes..........

Aah...haven't posted an entry in a while... There are many reasons behind that. One is simply because I have not been inspired enough lately to write anything. The second is because I twisted my neck and caused some muscles to spasm, so basically that translates to me not being able to turn my head to the right. It has been almost a week now and I still can't fully turn to the right. You should see me when I'm driving. It's a hoot! Anyway, just saying that some new writing will be coming up soon. Perhaps my own little review of Sumolah. Gutten Nacht! Schlaffen gut!

Friday, May 18, 2007

of money and humanity...

Another attempt at being intellectuall. Well actually this is pretty much common sense, but why government officials find it so difficult to grasp will forever baffle me. Where does all the money go? I fully understand that it takes a lot of money to run a government, and it takes a lot of money to ensure that we all lead a comfortable and safe life here in Malaysia. I am not disputing that, and kudos to them for making this country a safe and comfortable place to live in. However, there are still questions that need to be answered. Like why are there beggars, and in KL? It's not like it's such a huge problem like what's happening in India. There are just a few here and there and why aren't the welfare department doing anything about this? Where is all the money going to? Can't they open their eyes just a teensy bit wider and acknowledge that poverty is still a problem in this country and something has to be done about it. We have skyscrapers that can hold their own against those in first world countries and yet we can't afford to feed our poor. Enough with the bullshit that the poor should quit being lazy and get a job. For some of them, yes this is true. Especially the able-bodied young ones who obviously are fit enough to work. But what about the rest who are just plain down on their luck? Women with babies whose husbands have abandoned them. Children on the streets without parents to take care of them. Old folks who have no one else in the world. What about these people? Don't feed me with the crap that there just isn't enough funding. Our sports ministry had the nerve to propose a sports complex in England, and you're telling me we can't afford to care for the less fortunate. I'm sure that our welfare department is doing their part in caring for these people, but the way I see it, more can be done. Why can't they go around, scouting for these beggars and do something to help them. Help them get back on their feet, so they are able to feed themselves in the years to come. As for elderly folks, why can't we build more homes for them? If we can have a mall after every few miles, why not homes for the less fortunate too? Everyday we see new buildings coming up, especially in KL. I am not against development in any way. In fact I am very much for them, but at the same time let's not neglect the humanity that I'm sure exists in all of us. It's just a question of acknowledging it or suppressing it. It seems to me that people who finally end up in a position of power ultimately find themselves caring more for their own well-being instead of the greater good. There are so few who actually believe that power equals to the goodness of mankind. And the problem is not just poverty. It extends to education too. Literacy is still a problem in our country. It is not that known because somehow this is not a problem that they want to highlight. What the fuck, pardon my french, is shahrizat jalil doing? Another thing that irks me when it comes to the ministry of women and families is the coining of the phrase OKU (orang kurang upaya) to identify the special people out there. Yes, they are at a certain disadvantage compared to the rest of us able-bodied people, but calling them kurang upaya (disabled) is just a load of crap. I think that if you give them a chance, some of them are more abled than us. Why must we classify them as disabled? Yes they need special attention, so why can't we call them Orang Istimewa (special people)?
This country is filled with self-serving, superior bastards. I am not generalizing. There are good folks out there who are doing all they can to help the less fortunate, but the superior ones somehow manage to land themselves in top positions. Where have their conscience disappeared to? Corruption is wide-spread and despite what pak lah said about ridding this country of corruption, it is still a problem. This is not an attack against our prime minister. But rather this is an attack against those who take bribes and give bribes. Don't they realize that what their doing will eventually affect the development of this country and that will in turn bring about our downfall. After that happens, where will we be? It's a vicious cycle yet they fail to see that. They fail to realize that it will cause them, or at least the future generations to suffer. What they do see is the personal gain that they're getting right now. If people were to stop for a second and reflect on the cause and effect of things, then perhaps they will opt for the greater good. Sedap sangat ka makan duit haram ni?
I apologize if this shout-out is sounding harsh, but I am all for the greater good. If only I had the money, I pray that my principles won't change and I will do what I can to help the less fortunate. Yes we all want to lead comfortable lives with a sense of financial security but that doesn't mean we should close our eyes to the pain and suffering of others.
Putting the less fortunate aside for a moment, what about the problems facing our kids today? Parents are getting busier with their careers, which causes these kids to have an abundant of free time, allowing them to wonder around, looking for things to do. If they end up doing good then fine. But what about those who unfortunately end up choosing the wrong path? Why can't we have centres for kids to go to after school? I know there is no way to help everyone, but minimizing the amount of those who end up becoming mat rempits or prostitutes is a good start, don't you think? These big corporate tycoons have a lot of money to burn, so why can't they spare some to build a teen centre? If all of the big companies were to contribute the sum of at least RM100,000 each, imagine what that amount can do for these teenagers... We could go around recruiting teenagers, encourage them to come to these centres and spend quality time, honing skills, get tutoring for school work, or helping others. It doesn't sound like too far-fetched an idea, does it? Just a little something to ensure that they have a better future.
At the end of the day, it all boils to down to what we are willing to do. If we want to stop corruption, we can. But do we have the will-power to do it? Ask yourselves this, mr government and mr corporate hot-shots, Do I want my children to live in a world where evil triumphs over good? Do I want my children to become a mat rempit? Do I want my children to engage in the same corruption practices that I am dabbling in? Do I want my children to live in a world where money speaks louder than love?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

of being a woman...

Here's my attempt at an intellectual shout-out... been learning about feminism and a lot of philosophy lately, so bear with my subject of choice. So basically women have been oppressed. To a certain extent that is true. But some parties are using that as an excuse to justify laziness. Like those who subscribe to Marxist Feminism. They were arguing that housewives should be paid wages by the government. Opposing the ideas by liberal feminists or other feminists for that matter, who urge women to enter the workforce in order to contribute to the economy, Marxist Feminist argue that women don't have to enter the workforce, instead they can remain in the household but wages are to be paid. To me, that is just a way for them to exonerate themselves from actually going out to work, instead insist on getting paid for staying at home. I am not in any way discounting the work of a housewife. I agree that it is not an easy job, but being a housewife is something that you should do willingly. Raising children in a household that has been subjected to monthly wages by the government is absolutely steering the idea of a family unit towards a money-oriented one; when I believe that households should be built upon love and trust. What message are we sending to our kids if moms are paid to bring them up? This argument is not in anyway mutually exclusive, but the underlying doubt will always be there.
Radical Feminism, on the other hand, is something that is so ridiculous I don't even know where to start. Men are essentially the enemy to Radical Feminists. They encourage homosexual behaviour and somehow totally reject the role of males.
To me, feminism is about the ability to choose. They are not housewives because they're forced to become one and have no choice of other options. Instead they are housewives because they want to be housewives. Back then, women rarely had the opportunity to say much about their lives. Men assumed that they were tailor-made for the household and everybody subscribed to this idea. Perhaps out of fear, mostly. Men are stronger, I am not disputing that. But the urge to always remain strong and in power has driven them to oppress women thus preventing them from exploring their possibilities. This is in someways, a classic case of fearing what pandora's box might release. Perhaps it was a fear that if they were to allow women to flourish in fields outside the household, women might outshine them. Therefore, what better way to go about it, than to convince women that the best place for them is at home. To me this fear forms the basis of the patriarchy system. Those in power naturally want to remain in power, and anything that may pose a threat to their reign will be eliminated, or failing that, oppressed.
Women have come a long way since the days of patriarchy. Choices are abundant and life has improved. As a woman of today, I am able to freely choose whether I want to pilot a plane or be a stay-at-home mom. This next line may make me an enemy of certain feminist groups, but I'll say it anyway: At the end of the day, either I'm a minister, or a lawyer or an astronaut, I am a woman who dreams of building a family and taking my place in the household as a loving wife and mother. Whether or not I'll be able to do a good job taking on those roles is not the question. Feminism sometimes rejects this, maintaining that women are men's equal, or better than men, which means that confining women to the household is an absolute no-no. They have to understand that at the end of the day, it is all a matter of choice.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Farah, Afghanistan...

I know it looks very small, but look at the bottom of the map, there's a place in Afghanistan called Farah! I was so excited this morning when I was looking at the world map on my Dad's desk at his office and found out about this! Sometimes it's the little things that puts a smile on one's face.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

of speed and power...

Joining my dream car list is the BMW 2007 M6 Coupe. Since the M here stands for Motorsport, it goes without saying what this car is capable of doing. Powered by a 5 litre V10 engine, its bhp is 500 at RPM and goes from 0-96 kmph in 4.5 seconds. I'm getting goosebumps already! I'm not much of a BMW fan but this beauty managed to capture my attention. Especially the 5 litre v10 engine! Imagine what this car can do on the road... Imagine what I can do behind the wheels of an M6! Yes, I can be a speed demon at times. And since the top speed for this car is 250 kmph, it's perfectly built for a car enthusiast like moi. Oh man, if I was a man, I'd be having a hard on right now! 250 kmph! That's fast! No wait that's not just fast, it's ridiculously fast!
Well, enough about speed, here's some more specs about the M6: it has ABS brakes, rear wheel drive, and the engine is mated to a seven-speed SMG transmission. The only sucky thing about this bad boy is the price. Last I checked on the net it was €106,500! I don't even want to attempt converting it to Malaysian Ringgit. I'll just dream about it instead, that's more fun. However, this car doesn't even begin to come close to my first love in cars...the Nissan Skyline. Now that is a total bad boy! It just screams power and exudes a raw masculine appeal. Though I'm a girl, my taste in cars are very masculine. I'm not into cute, curvy, tiny cars. I like 'em fast and I like 'em big! Like the Humvee! Here are a couple more pictures of the M6, but this car has been tuned and modified.
According to the owner of the website where I got these pics, he insisted that these modifications were horrible and did not do any justice to the car. However, I think they're not too bad. I mean if given the opportunity, I'd modify it differently, but this one looks sexy and cool.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

of life in Malaysia...

What sort of country are we living in? You have big shots getting away with murder. The police force are a corrupt bunch of buffoons. The whole country is going to the dogs! Amir Muhammad's documentaries gets banned. Jean Todt gets a datukship. What more could go wrong? The government says theyre combating piracy but they're not really giving it their all. They wanted to build a million dollar sports complex in england. Newsflash: if they suck in this country, they'll suck anywhere. Wouldn't it be much cheaper to bring in coaches and trainers to train them in this country? The sports complex was just an excuse for these bloody authorities to fly back and forth to England whenever they feel like it. Politicians are talking about goodwill and stuff when word on the street is that they're leading a bloody corrupted life. What is the world coming to? Some parts of history are being erased just because they don't want to cause any unrest in the society right now. Come on! What the hell are we? A bunch of uneducated idiots? No wait a sec, that's them! Not us! THe government spends a fortune in trying to educate these Malays, and still they have to suppress certain informations just so there'll be no unrest in the society. Have we all lost the ability to judge and look at a situation rationally and learn from our past mistakes? And what's the deal with these OKUs? orang kurang upaya. Suddenly that has become a nationwide label to describe these special people. Are we so able-bodied that we are labelling them as kurang upaya? I believe if you leave it up to them they are able to run this stupid country better than the rest of us with perfect limbs and senses. Somethings just piss you off so much you feel like moving out of this bloody country. Answer me one thing. How come Nicol David who is ranked the number one squash player in the world, doesnt get the title datok? If you ask me she deserves a bloody tan sri. But shes not a Malay is she. Aah... her misfortune of not being born a Malay. But I think if you ask her she wouldnt want to be a Malay for all the tan sri titles in the world. This is definitely a sucky country especially when Jean Todt is offered a datokship! What the hell is a multi-millionaire french guy gonna do with a datokship? But I guess the question should be what will he do to us now that we have given him a datokship? Buy more land in Trengganu I suppose. Everything has a hidden agenda, it makes you sick to the stomach. Can't anything be pure anymore? Can't anything be based on intelligence anymore? Some Malays are idiots, but then again, you have the bumiputera policy to thank for that. Malays now think that it is their birth right to obtain certain things. Which is why they end up behaving like idiots. Whatever happened to meritocracy? Work for something, earn it and then I don't care if you get ten thousand datokships to your name. Although I'm still somewhat against the giving of these social titles. But if you've earned it then I guess I can make my peace with that.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

of a poet and her paladin...

Someone close to me once asked me what if we had chosen a different path in life, perhaps we would have met different people, better people? And ever since that question was asked until today, my answer remains the same. No. I thank God for the path I choose, although I do wish I could go back and undo some of the mistakes I did that ended up hurting those I love. But if we're talking choices and paths, I'm glad and I'm eternally grateful to Allah SWT for the paths I've chosen. My journey is filled with great friends. I don't have that many friends actually, but those I have met, I cherish with all my heart. And I would not have wanted it any other way. Sharina, my kindergarten buddy, Angeline and Tang, Za and Mila - my best buds from primary school, Adnin, Anand - my friends from high school, and these people I met in college who have been there for me, shared so many adventures together, slept in the same bed, my retail therapy partners, my mcdonalds compadre, my friends whom I shall treasure for as long as I live - Zila and Nawar. As for Adnin, she's not just a buddy from high school. She's my soulsister, my voice of reason, my conscience at times, my best friend. And of course, as you journey through life, if you're lucky enough, you will meet the one person who understands you better than you understand yourself, the person who will be there for you no matter what, the one person you can always count on, the person you would trust with your life, the person who would walk you back to your college at night, the person you stayed up the whole night with just talking, the person who knows just how sweet you like your Milo, the person who tells you that you're beautiful and means it, the person who makes all the pain and heartaches go away, the person who dries your tears and comforts you, the person who you listen to, the person who listens to whatever you have to say, the person who feeds you rice and curry - by hand, not spoon!, the person who is God's gift to you, an angel upon the face of the earth, a friend who truly cares, a guardian sent to look after you, a knight sent to rescue you, a savior who was always ready to catch you when you fall, a lover sent to love you, a man sent to complete you.... A person who deserves only the best things in life... Fareez, my best friend, my soulmate. I miss him, I miss my best friend. He's the only person in the entire universe that I feel comfortable talking to about everything. I miss those nights we would spend outside campus, staying up until dawn, just talking. We would talk about so many things. I still remember one night, he told me the story of the Lord of the Rings. It was something that some might regard as insignificant or trivial. But for me, it was sheer excitement. I love listening to him. He got me interested in so many things. So many things that I wasn't aware of before and he opened my eyes to them. It's strange how two people can be so close and suddenly we've become like strangers. But then again, I have no one else but myself to blame. I pray for his happiness everyday. He truly is a great man, destined for great things. A man who taught me how to love, a man who showed me what it's like to be loved, a man who I loved doing things for, a man I admire, a man I look up to, a man I respect, a man I ended up hurting...

My friends are great people. I may not have many, but I have great ones. Which is why I wouldn't trade the choices I have made in my life. I chose the right path and along that journey I have been blessed with these people. I love you mis amigos. Without you I wouldn't be who I am today.

To Fareez: No amount of apologies in the world could ever make up for what I did to you. More than anything in the world, more than my own life, I want you to be happy. And no matter what happens, I will always love you and you will forever be my soulmate.

Ever since last year, I have found it so hard to write my feelings about Fareez down. But I guess sometimes you just have to brave it and do what you feel is right. Life is fragile. I never want to take things for granted anymore.

Good night sayang. Sweet dreams. Sleep well sweetheart.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Through the looking glass....

Just thought I'd share one of favourite poems of all time with you guys. Amazing huh, how a bunch of nonsensical verses managed to take the world by storm. It was written by Lewis Carroll and is being used worldwide mostly in linguistics classes.
Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought—
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
"And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"
He chortled in his joy.
'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
The way the sounds merged together makes for a wonderful read. To a point you feel that you're actually making sense. Oh well, hurrah for poetic license!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Of wanting to write and not being able to....

Writing is like a sanctuary of sorts for me. different people have different ways of unwinding, some head down to the spa, others may prefer to sleep, some chose to go on beach vacations, but for me, I write. I mean not that I don't enjoy the occasional trip to the spa, or sleeping, or even vacations... hell I love vacations, but when it comes to keeping my sanity in check, I write. It's hard to imagine what life would be like if I couldn't put down my thoughts or my imagination down in words. Though this may not be the best of examples, but it's kinda like the Marquis De Sade. Put aside his subject of choice, the Marquis De Sade was a person who had so many stories in him that he would do just about anything to write them down. They had him locked up in a mental asylum and that did not deter him for a second. When they took away his quill and paper, he wrote on his clothes, using his own blood as ink! When they stripped him naked and left him in an empty room, he whispered his story to his neighbour and the neighbour whispered it to the next guy, and so on and so forth until it reached the laundry girl who would then write it down. I may not be that eccentric but my passion for writing remains the same. I've been penning stuff down ever since I could remember. The only thing lacking is the discipline. To actually sit down and make sure I finish an entire piece. I used to be able to do that, but lately I feel like I've somehow lost the touch. My ardent fan (perhaps the only fan I have now!), my cousin Iman, is always ready with words of motivation, but I'm not so sure anymore. Which is why all you're reading now are mere ramblings with no particular purpose in mind. I still need to write so I'm just going on and on about nothing. It's weird though, I have all these things in my head but nothing seems to materialize on paper (or my computer). Guess my muse is still on vacation... I don't feel inspired anymore, not the way that I used to be. Oh well, I apologize if I've wasted your time with this nonsense, but no one's holding a gun to your head, right? Thanks for reading anyway. Maybe something worthwhile will materialize one of these days. In the meantime, perhaps I should go and read something. I've neglected my copy of Mein Kampf for a while now...

Friday, May 04, 2007

Is Ignorant Really A Bliss?

Now I'm not really into describing my daily activities in my blog, but when there's something worth mentioning... here goes... Had a fun day today, with Iman, Shameem and Hanan. We went to Mehboob in Bangsar and pigged out on the famous Briyani Ayam Madu. Iman actually makan nasi! Anyway, after that we all made our way to Bangsar Village 2 and chilled out at Marmalade. It was this really cool cafe that served cute cupcakes and delicious milkshakes. We sat next to the huge window that looked out on the street in between Bangsar Village 1 and Devi's Corner. Another cool thing about Marmalade were the beanbag chairs. Shameem sampai tertidur! Here's a picture of Shameem and Hanan, two very sweet and adorable people! They're both so funny and comel!
The cupcake sistas! Here's a little promo: GO TO MARMALADE! Strawberry Milkshake dia sedap gila! And the cupcakes too! Although I thought the cakes could use a bit more sugar, but other than that it was great, especially the icing!

As we were enjoying our cupcakes, I was looking out the window, drifting off into space as usual, when suddenly this idiotic person driving a black coloured Proton Wira parked her car just outside Devi's Corner. Now why is it that I called her idiotic? Let the photo below answer that question for you...Yes fellow readers, that is where she chose to park her car, exit it, and enter Devi's Corner for what appears to be quite a while! Passing cars tried to squeeze through in between her car and those parked on the other side. At one point a lorry also barely managed to squeeze through. The co-pilot in the lorry even made a hand gesture at the Wira. We were hoping the lorry would scratch the car but no luck! After quite some time, a spot opened up close to the Wira and the owner came back to remove her car. Here's the idiot in action...
After reparking, the idiot then went back to Devi's Corner, perhaps to finish up her thosai! However, the best was yet to come. Our prayers to see her pay for her idiocy were finally answered! Check out this next picture...
I never thought I'd be so happy to see a DBKL man doing his rounds of issuing parking tickets! Apparently her newly found parking spot was no better than her first one! Well, ladies and gentlemen, you now have photographed proof of how stupid some Malaysians can be. I wonder what was going through her mind when she parked the car at the first spot. It was obvious that she would be obstructing traffic, but I suppose that means nothing to her. How can some people be so ignorant?!?!?! Anyway, enough of the idiot. Suffice to say she brought a significant amount of fun for us who were happily observing from our vantage point. After spending about 2 hours at Marmalade, we went around Bangsar Village, window-shopping. Well it wasn't so much of a window-shopping for me when I succumbed to temptation and bought a pair of this super-classic heels at Vincci...Aren't they just cute? The open-toed thing is just soo Saloma! Here's the shoe in action...
Oh well, all in all, I had a fun day... To Shameem and Hanan, you guys are cute together and I'm glad Iman introduced us. Let's hit the ayam madu restaurant again! On a side note, I was watching Astro Ria just now and they were interviewing Blues Gang. The lead said that when it comes to music ada banyak benda lah yang tak buleh buat, like too much of drugs. Haha! Too much! Didnt he mean to say no drugs at all? Too much! Now that's a hoot!

More later... Ciao!

Signing off,
The Idiot Patrol

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Of being kids and getting married...

My big brother is getting married. Well he's not exactly my big brother, technically he's my cousin, but being the eldest in my family, I think of him as my older brother. A person I can look up to, someone who's always ready with a good advice just as quick as he is with a good tease! Sometimes it just feels like time is moving by way too quickly. I can still remember the days we used to spend in Taiping, as kids, fooling around without a care in the world; cracking jokes, making instant roti canai in the middle of the night, battling out with Mario on his old nintendo... But suddenly everything's gone. Suddenly we're all adults. Facing adult problems, trying to survive in the world. How in hell did we get here? I still find it hard to believe that he's getting married. I mean that is such an adult thing to do. In my mind, we're all still 14 years old, a bunch of crazy kids in rumah kampung jambu. Back then, we thought we would never grow up. We thought that we would stay 14 forever, immortal and untouched by the world and its madness. Whatever it is, deep down, that kid still lives in all of us and I hope that he won't ever forget that. I hope that he will always be our Bhei Kamil. The crazy dude who does a mean Mr. Bean impression! The funny guy who makes us laugh with his wit and jokes. The big brother whose name we use to get out of trouble with our follks, coz' he's bhei kamil...parents approved! Whatever it is, BK, i just want you to know that I wish you and Naw all the happiness in the world. As you embark on this new journey in your life, I hope that you will always remember this one piece of advice: never, ever take her for granted. Be happy, and I can't wait for the day where there'll be little Kamils around calling me Pupi Nanum. Love ya bro!